Blanton’s Straight from the Barrel 700 ml
Rich and spicy on the nose, this Bourbon explodes with aromas of crème brûlée, spiced cake and roasted walnuts. The structure is rustic but not austere, powerful aromas of roasted malt and fresh toast. It finishes with layers of complexity that don’t seem to end. (Ultimate Spirits Challenge, Finalist)
Not only one of the world’s best bourbons, Blanton’s Straight from the Barrel is one of the world’s best whiskeys. Created for connoisseurs familiar with cask strength whiskeys, this enormous taste profile reaches depths of flavor found only in the rarest of spirits. The high alcohol by volume is intense and powerful yet inviting. The complexity of rye, caramel, oak, honey and vanilla coat your palate followed by a legendary finish. Straight from the barrel is best served neat or with a splash of water. Un-filtered, un-cut, unbelievable.
Blanton’s Black 750ml
Blanton’s ‘Black Label’ Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey has been produced for the Japanese market only. This Blanton’s Black Edition, along with Blanton’s Cream Label, is around eight years old. The label and the box are black.
Blantons Red Takara 750ml
Blantons Takara Red’ Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey has been produced for the Japanese market only. This Blanton’s, along with Blanton’s Black, is around eight years old. The label is a lighter cream color than regular Blanton’s single barrel and it comes in a red box.
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